Plains High School

Class of 1983
Gone Too Soon Scholarship

This was a life that hardly begun
No time to find your place in the sun
No time to do all you could have done
But we loved you enough for a lifetim

No time to enjoy the world and its wealth
No time to take life down off the shelf
No time to sing the song of yourself
Though you had enough love for a lifetime

Those who live long endure sadness and tears
But you’ll never suffer the sorrowing years
No betrayal, no anger
No hatred, no fears
Just love, only love in your lifetime.

Gone Too Soon – author unknown

This scholarship is managed and funded by the Plains High School Class of 1983 and our friends. It is dedicated to our fellow classmates that we lost way too soon:

Robbie Marts
Buddy Dunks
Ray Stonehocker
Jim Holyk

Available to graduating seniors of Plains, Montana High School.

Learn more about the scholarship and download the application here
Class of 1983 Gone Too Soon Scholarship
